Musée national d'histoire naturelle






Visualization and animation of various space missions and representations of different possibilities for Earth defense against asteroid impacts.

These animations and images are part of a temporary exhibition and all representations of planetary defense are purely hypothetical and are intended as a basis for discussion for further potential solutions.

Website: Asteroid Mission



National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg
(Musée national d'histoire naturelle)


Cinema 4D, After Effects, World Machine, Photoshop


potential mitigation techniquess

MISSION #1 - Explosive device

The idea of destroying an asteroid with a nuclear bomb has been discussed in both scientific and science fiction contexts in the past. The exact approach would depend on various factors, including the size of the asteroid, its composition, and its velocity.

Additionally, the destruction of the asteroid could potentially result in numerous smaller fragments, which could continue to pose a threat to Earth.


MISSION #2 - Reflective coating

The idea behind this technique is based on the principle of radiation pressure generated by sunlight. By selectively spraying an asteroid with a thin layer of reflective material, its surface could be altered in a way that the reflected radiation exerts pressure. This pressure could gradually deflect the asteroid from its original orbit.


MISSION #3 - Ablation with solar collectors

In this mission, solar collectors would be strategically positioned to concentrate sunlight onto specific regions of the asteroid's surface. This concentrated solar energy would trigger ablation, causing the asteroid's material to vaporize and generate thrust. The resulting thrust could act as a propellant, subtly altering the asteroid's trajectory over time.


MISSION #4 - Gravity assist

The concept of diverting an asteroid from its orbit using the gravity of a probe is based on a principle known as a gravitational maneuver or "Gravity Assist." This principle leverages the gravitational force of a passing celestial body, in this case, a probe, to influence the trajectory of another object.


MISSION #5 - Capture and transport

The idea of capturing and transporting an asteroid is part of a concept known as the "Asteroid Redirect Mission" (ARM). A space probe would be sent to the selected asteroid, equipped with a specialized capsule or capture device. This capsule could employ various technologies, such as a robotic arm, a harpoon, or a type of net trap.


MISSION #6 - Kinetic impact 

The DART Mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) is an example of utilizing the impactor technique to influence the trajectory of an asteroid. Conducted by NASA, the DART Mission aims to test the technology for diverting asteroids, particularly in the event that a potentially hazardous object is on a trajectory towards Earth in the future.


textures and surfaces


The surfaces of the asteroids were created using World Machine. This tool allows the generation of displacement maps depicting erosions and rough, crater-like surface features, which can then be output as textures. In Photoshop, I seamlessly arranged the final textures.



All artwork on this site are Copyright © 2017 Florian Renner, or their respective copyright holders.  Do not use without permission.


Florian Renner, Munich, Germany
mobile: +49 (0)157.74 74 74 89
mail: hello (at)